December 22, 2013

INSTAGRAM WEEKLY by victoria and ann-kathrin

To all of our nice, beautiful and lovely readers :) 

Christmas is so close already that all the trouble, stress and potential hysterical family members just started to come to their fullest potential and to take over the so so so harmonic and relaxed pre-christmas time. Of course this year we do it all different, shopped our christmas gifts in november and just enjoying this magic time of the year.
For those who felt understood in the first sentence - you are not alone!!

Right before christmas we thought about a new series for the week: Sharing all our weekly instagram impressions with you on the blog.

What do you think about this idea? Or is it needless? :D

We wish everyone a nice fourth advent <3

December 04, 2013

REUNION by ann-kathrin

Leider wohnen Victoria und ich mittlerweile nicht mehr in derselben Stadt. Umso schöner ist es, wenn wir die Möglichkeit haben, uns wiederzusehen. Dieses mal fand die große "Reunion" in Bamberg statt. Die Fotos von diesem Tag seht ihr hier.


Unfortunately Victoria and me no longer live in the same city. But it's always a pleasure, when we meet again. This time, our reunion took place in Bamberg. You can see the photos of this remarkable day here: