Hallooo, endlich wieder ein Lebenszeichen auf unserem Blog :-)
Leider hatten Victoria und ich während der letzten stressigen Semesterwochen einfach nicht genügend Zeit zu posten. Dafür ging es für mich nach den letzten Abgabeterminen direkt nach Berlin zu den 64. Filmfestspielen. Da ich neben dem Studium für das Onlinemagazin ZEITjUNG.de schreibe, hat sich die Gelegenheit ergeben, auf der Berlinale ein paar Interviews zu führen. Mit wem genau, könnt ihr unten sehen ;-) Leider war ich so mit der "Arbeit" beschäftigt, dass mir nur wenig Zeit blieb, auch selbst Filme anzusehen. Und ich hatte leider auch keine Zugangsberechtigung für die eigentliche Preisverleihung am Samstag Abend. Trotzdem habe ich versucht das Berlinale Feeling so gut es ging einzufangen :-)
Finally one sign of life on our blog again :-) Me and Victoria were totally stressed out during the last semester weeks at university. But right after that I had the amazing opportunity to go on a short trip to Berlin where the 64. International Film Festival took place. Besides studying I write for an onlinemagazine for which I had to conduct some interviews. Unfortunaltely I didn't have the access right to the presentation of the Golden Bear, but I hope I could capture a bit of the great atmosphere at the event ;-)
Finally one sign of life on our blog again :-) Me and Victoria were totally stressed out during the last semester weeks at university. But right after that I had the amazing opportunity to go on a short trip to Berlin where the 64. International Film Festival took place. Besides studying I write for an onlinemagazine for which I had to conduct some interviews. Unfortunaltely I didn't have the access right to the presentation of the Golden Bear, but I hope I could capture a bit of the great atmosphere at the event ;-)
Interview with Jan-Ole Gerster - the director of the German film "Oh Boy":
With Marie Bäumer, who was very sweet and lovely (but unfortunately we both look a bit... strange... in this photo :-)):
Actor Michel Diercks is one of the newcomers at German film business:
At the award presentation of the "Honorary Golden Bear" to director Ken Loach:
The Berlinale lighting around Sony Center reminded be a bit of Christmas decoration:
THE evening - presentation of the Golden Bear! Unfortunately I couldn't come nearer to the Red Carpet - people were so aggressive :-(
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